and here a few pictures of me and my mad brothers dancing to the song below :)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Tom`s wedding
And here it was somewhere in April in some small forgotten village ;) two nights of free drinks free food and loads of happiness! :)
Fair play to Tom and Marysia for organizing such a great reception. Now Chris have something to think of for the next year! Good Luck ;)))
Tom and Marysia
ps. i forgot to mention: all pictures from that event where taken by Chris & co. that`s why they are not very good ;))))
and here is the blessing at home - our home.
should i stay or should i go ??? ;))))
ella, monika, marysia and mam
and here another belssing :)
our grandparents
and here i`m ;) from the left - Chris, myself and Tom
ah, such a lovely couple :D
in the church
first dance - that was to Louis Armstrong - "what a wonderfully world "
"we made it" :D
tom and grandmam
hmm... don`t remember that ;))))
ella and grandpa
the wedding cake
must be awful ;)))
from the right: Chris, uncle ;) Georg :D:D:D and myself and above Tom
second day and first dance on that day
tom and grandma
Chris and my sister in law to be!
Ella here with my cousin
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Once in a while in our life's happens that some song or a movie strucks us fitting perfectly into the time that we are in.
And it have the strength to wake you up again to bring back some memories and its giving you a space to think about the place we are in. Finally it feels like something that was missing for such a long time finally came back again.
Enjoy the song
if you have a chance enjoy the movie - Into The Wild - great story
Eddie has the point!